Anti-Human Trafficking and Slavery Statement

Mar-Tek Industries, Inc. is committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within its business, and so makes this statement to set out the steps taken to ensure that no forms of modern slavery or human trafficking occurs anywhere within our business operations or within our supply chain.


Mar-Tek Industries, Inc. has stringent policies and processes already in place to ensure fair and equal employment rights and pay, working time protections and safeguards against any form of discrimination, including but not limited to harassment, which both protect our staff and sets out the principles by which our staff must deal with any third parties.  We consider the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking existing within our business to be extremely low.

A key part of our slavery and human trafficking strategy is to promote awareness in the form of training for those personnel who have responsibility in managing external suppliers (our supply chain).

Supply chain

We expect, and will require, our suppliers to:

  1. Conduct their businesses with the same professional and ethical standards to which we adhere; and
  2. Operate fair employment practices.

To ensure that the above principles are adhered to, Mar-Tek Industries Inc. has taken the following steps:

  • We regularly engage with our suppliers to create open and respectful relationships, and we review our suppliers at least once per year, usually through face-to-face meetings, to ensure that all suppliers we engage with operate in a fair and ethical manner.
  • At these review meetings we expect and require our suppliers to confirm that their operations comply with the principles Mar-Tek Industries, Inc. promotes.
  • In the event that we become aware of a case of modern slavery occurring within our supply chain, we will work with the supplier to implement remedial action within an agreed timeline. Any continued or material breach will carry the risk of termination of their engagement.