Supply Chain

We continually evaluate our suppliers to confirm that they are acting to ensure the sustainability of our world while behaving as responsible global citizens. We work to promote fair labor practices throughout our supply chain and prohibit the use of forced, bonded and indentured labor. Our commitment against the use of conflict minerals is resolute and our programs are comprehensive. We actively survey our supply chain on an annual basis to ensure compliance with our policies.

Human Rights and Fair Labor Practices

We have high expectations that our suppliers will act in a way that is consistent with our culture and values. Our expectations of our suppliers include alignment with our:

  • Anti-Human Trafficking & Slavery Statement.
  • Supplier Code of Conduct Statement.
  • Supplier Responsible Labor Policy.

The Supplier Code of Conduct Statement, which prohibits the use of forced, bonded and indentured labor and involuntary prison labor, and sets forth the standards we expect our suppliers to uphold to ensure that their working conditions are safe and that workers are treated with dignity and respect. As stated in our Anti-Human Trafficking & Slavery Statement, we have zero tolerance for human trafficking and slavery. To ensure that our suppliers are acting in a manner consistent with our values and standards, we have expanded our outreach and engagement on our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Sustainable Supply Chain

Our intention is to work collaboratively with our supply chain to reduce our collective impact while simultaneously enhancing the long-term sustainability of our planet. To meet this goal, we routinely evaluate our suppliers on the quality and stewardship of their products, and assess whether they are meeting certain social responsibility requirements and metrics. In addition, we regularly review our raw materials and components for regulated substances to assess our products’ conformity to customer-specific requirements and industry standards (i.e., Halogen-Free, Lead-Free), as well as other applicable regulations such as Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and Registration, Evaluation & Authorization of Chemicals (REACH).